Monday, October 16, 2006

First day

First day in my new job today. Nicely eased in as I only had to work 11am-4.30pm. Mainly just met quite a lot of the 'Ministry Team', read lots of stuff and had a tour around the church and offices.

The person I am replacing is still in post and we will be overlapping for the next 3/4 weeks. This is a good idea in some ways as it means she can fill me in on alot of the stuff I need to do and I can see her in action and ask questions as we go along. However it feels quite weird to have started the job and yet not really have started, as she is still there. Makes it a bit difficult to get on with anything as what will be my desk is still her desk, what will be my files are still her files.....

Got a compliation CD in the post today from Lucy and Paddy - some class tunes on it, which I'm listening to now. Inspired to resurrect the musical education we provided for each other at Uni by recording complication CDs (well, in those days they were tapes! Does that make us old?) for each other. Yours in in progress guys. Cheers.


At 5:43 pm, Blogger Mel said...

No. I played that CD first and was confused. But there's an idea - if a few of us did it part of the challenge could be working out who it's from.

At 1:38 pm, Blogger Martin said...

Cool idea - mystery compilation CDs. Of course, to do a compilation CD (or tape) properly takes thought apparently. Read "High Fidelity" by Nick Hornby (or if lacking time, watch the very (but not quite as) good film to see what I mean.

At 1:39 pm, Blogger Martin said...


Hope you settle into the job well, and thanks for linking to me.


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