Thursday, October 12, 2006

Cheeky quiz

I don't usually read the 'Companions' page in the paper (honest!) but in an attempt to put off doing any work today I thought I'd glance through. Came across this one which I thought was quite unusual:

"ENERGETIC & fun Christian seeks amazingly slim and tall soul mate who is also a born-again servant of Jesus."

Just how slim is 'amazingly slim' exactly? Are they asking for amazingly tall too or would just 'tall' do? Why not just say 'seeks Christian' instead of the cringe-worthy 'born-again servant of Jesus'? Are the requirements in order of preference,
1. Amazingly slim
2.(amazingly) Tall
3. Born-again servant of Jesus?

So, what do you reckon fellow bloggers, is it a man looking for a woman or a woman looking for a man? Guesses on a postcard please.


At 1:25 pm, Blogger Rich Burley said...

I think it's a her. Should have added "Applications from full-time worship leaders with record deals will be considered".

At 11:25 pm, Blogger Martin said...

LOL to the post, and the comment. The question is, which worship leader is amazingly slim and tall and single? I can't think of any off hand.

At 4:21 pm, Blogger Mel said...

But do you think the request is from a woman or a man Martin?

At 1:33 pm, Blogger Martin said...

I'm going for it being a bloke I think, on the grounds that I think they mean 6ft plus as the height and that for this to be amazing would require it to be less common, which would indicate that they are seeking a lady, and considering the (quite "evangelical stream of the church" sounding) christianity of the writer, combined with the generally quoted statistics on sexuality, that if they are seeking a lady it is more likely for them to be a bloke.

Then again, if the amazingly only applies to the slim, I will be completely wrong, as this description would I think more likely apply to a bloke, implying the likelihood of it being a lady.

However, I'm going with the first - it being a bloke, 'cause I like the amusingness of the amazing tall thing.

At 6:33 pm, Blogger Mel said...

Martin wins! It is a request from a man seeking a woman. :)

At 1:53 pm, Blogger Martin said...

Yay, logic wins the day.


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